Bridge Program Online Completion Request

If you cannot attend the in-person Bridge Program, you may request to join the fully online program. The deadline to by 11:59 pm February 15th (Winter Bridge)/August 24th (Summer Bridge). Requests will be reviewed, and you will be notified with a decision via email by February 16th (Winter Bridge)/August 25th (Summer Bridge). 

Note: Supporting documentation may be required to render a decision. Therefore, please check your email for updates and respond accordingly.

First Name
Last Name
Preferred Email
Preferred Telephone Number
Please select the reason for your request. - I am unable to attend the Bridge Program in person due to...
Please provide a brief explanation for your request. - If you have selected Other above, please make sure to specify your reason along with your explanation.
I understand that submitting this form does NOT grant me automatic approval. My information will be reviewed and a decision must be rendered.
I confirm that IF approved, I have access to reliable internet, a laptop or desktop and the digital platforms required such as Brightspace. - Note: Phones, tablets, or iPads are not suitable for completing program activities.
I confirm that IF approved, I am available to complete each of the daily lessons and assignments for the Bridge Program by the deadline of August 29th at 11:59 pm.